Tuesday 17 February 2015


Fascinated with Greek bailout renegotiation - or however Tsipiras wants to call it. The solution, whatever it will be, including the possible Greek exit (hate the Gr... Br.. exit sloppy shorthands0 may well be the salvation and consolidation of the € as a global currency. Germany, t Netherlands etc have been preparing this since last Greek crisis. They will play it to the wire, but when it comes to blinking first, I really wonder if M Tsipiras is really ready to declare his country bankrupt and take it out of the €. I doubt it. This is a game of chicken being played with massive stakes. I am sure the Greek people are ready to take the risk, but I doubt very much if they are prepared for the circumstances. The worst thing the € zone could do would be to cave in to Greek 'democratic' blackmail: nobody is denying the power of Greek democracy, but taking brave decisions means braving the consequences. Interesting few days ahead.

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