Sunday, 13 April 2014

The view from across the (other) channel

Sitting on a rooftop terrace bar in Tangier the continuing ructions in Brutain over 'Europe' seem depressingly infantile. Antique politicos from a generation that lost its way and failed to find another, such as the absurdly Francophile pro-UKIP Nigel Lawson ( he would prefer to be called a milord) get up and spout about leaving the EU (he might have forgotten about his future need to register as an alien in his French bolt hole - and don't talk about the Swiss and Norwegians  not having to, Nige, they are in Schengen). But worst of all is that nobody seems to realise that it's not just about the economy,stupid. It's about a sense of belonging in the world, to a community that attracts others and looks to the future, not to a vanished imperial past that has long lost its lustre. Britain's politicians seem wearily short-sighted and timid, when the only answer to every big question is 'yesterday' and never 'tomorrow'.
 Couldn't be more different to modern Morocco, a country realigning itself to fit not just with its former colonial masters, and the wealthy Gulf co religionists but also with sun-Saharan Africa. I see here a society challenged by the catastrophic events that have rocked the Arab world inthw past three years, incompetently meddled in by Britain and France, until we wished up over Syria; but a country facing those challenges and inventing its own answers in relation to history, geography and the world of tomorrow. Britain could learn a lesson; but when has it ever done so?

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