Monday 31 March 2014

Clegg means well but can't cut it

Well done to nick clegg for taking on the foolish but dangerous farage. Just a shame he wasn't up to it. Where was the passion? The horror some of us would feel at having to surrender our internationally recognised maroon passports for the dreaded old pomp of a vanished empire, whose brittannic majesty's sec iof state demsnds no let or hindrance while at the time being main imposer of said hindrances? The horror of having to apply for a Schengen visa to nip to Paris on Eurostar? Not to mention Clegg's own appalling idea of passport checks on leaving the uk which would serve no purpose and make the lives of us most hindered travellers in Europe infinitely worse!! And the Brits abroad who would be forced to re register asaliens  with their local pice as we had to back in 1970s. But Nick tell us of the glories of our ancient common culture from Renaissance to reformation, to our common history which goes far beyond the sad restricted story of 'two world wars and one works cup'. British politicians in Europe are cowards not heroes, standing up only for what they think will get them re-elected even if that invariably means pandering to the lowest common denominator. Don't fight Farage on his own ground, Nick, redefine yours, ours. Europe is where we live. Don't let the nasty nationalist drag us out of the house and into the cold! 

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