Wednesday 24 October 2012

So 'Silly Billy' Hague has gone off to Brussels to tell the EU 'we' back in Britain have had enough of Europe. Why does he think that he as a supporter of a supposed democracy barely not yet 100 years old in granting universal suffrage and has fixed, often gerrymandered constituencies that guarantee 'safe seats' to members of one party or another, and give five years of almost untrammeled power to a a party with substantially less than 40 per cent of the vote (ignoring the up to 30 per cent who don't even vote because the system is so biased) think he has the right to claim to represent the 'British public'. Let's got for a referendum on the EU, Bill, and let's do it at the same time with a 'referendum' on your government. This time, even under our fallible corruptible system, you might not like either answer.

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