Tuesday 16 June 2015

British Influence

Terribly afraid we could cause a European disaster. Too may Britons have no idea how much our membership of the EU matters not just to our economy but to our standing in the world and, more importantly, to the concept of lasting peace in Europe. Today joined British Influence, one of few sane groups who might help stop us going off the wall! 

Blinded by the signs

Terrible feat UK walking backwards out of Europe. The campaign to stay in faces an uphill struggle. Have you noticed how for a decade now passport controls at UK airports say British AND EU passports as though British were NOT EU passports. Unimaginable in any other EU country.'German AND EU' I don't think so!!
I asked a border force official at Gatwick about this and she laughed and said 'they don't understand'. 'But you do,' I countered. 'Oh yes,' she smiled, 'but I'm Polish, we know we are in the EU!' 