Wednesday, 20 June 2012

In the end was the beginning...

As Europe starts looking like it's falling apart this is the time to remember what it was all about in the first place. And to make sure the idiocy of individual politicians' power lust doesn't allow the achievements of 55 years to be destroyed. Europe is not just the EU, and certainly not just the €. What is it? It is where we live (yes, including you my fellow Britons); it is what defines us; it has been for five centuries at least - though maybe not much longer - the most important continent on our planet. It has committed mistakes and sins and in the last hundred years nearly committed suicide, but it has achieved great things and it is still one of the most beautiful places in the world to live. But it is a big place, with lots of people (and peoples) living in it. The more we know about one another, the better; the more we travel to each others' countries, the better; the more we work together, the better. I have lived in Ireland, England, France, Belgium, Poland, Germany (East and West as was) and Russia. I speak more than a couple of European languages so let's talk.
OK that's enough implausible optimism. This is a blog that will discuss big things and little things. Silly and serious. And I hope provoke debate. And promote understanding. Feel free to disagree. That's the most European thing of all!